Here is my cauliflower bagel recipe. I have not had a “real” bagel in over 13 years ( when I gave up grains). I do, however, remeber how delicious they were. If you have given up bread< for whatever reason< you may be missing a good ‘ol bagel. If you are expecting the exact taste […]
Healthy living
Why I had my root canal tooth extracted
Over 15 years ago I had a root canal performed in one of my back molars. I never gave it a second thought until about 2 years ago when it got infected. ( That’s not entirely true — I had read about infected root canals in some of my nutrition studies. I had […]
Is poor sleep keeping you from losing weight?
Don’t jump out of bed ready to start the day every morning?? Getting a good night’s sleep each night is crucial for good health. A good night’s sleep means 7-9 hours for most people. Less than 6 hours is sleep deprivation. During sleep our body is very active in repair and detoxification. This is […]
Indigestion?? Bloating?? Heartburn?? READ THIS !
Have you been told that your indigestion, bloating , heartburn is due to too much acid in your stomach? Are you taking an acid suppressant everytime you eat? You could be making your problem worse! Most likely you have too little stomach acid, not too much. Our stomach should have a Ph of […]